Thursday 31 July 2008

August 2008

James has not forgotten us.

A summer delight

Keeping up to date

This can always be difficult. One way that can help you is to look at our news feeds for the following subject areas. (As a slight Escher moment you will see our sister Library Newsletter appearing on the feeds!) These, along with some not included here, can also be found on our Specialty Guides in the Knowledge Zone

Anaesthetics, critical and emergency care news
Cancer news
Cardiology news
ENT news
Dermatology news
Gastroenterology news
Haematology news
Medicine for older people news
Mental Health news
Neurology news
Nursing news
Obs and gynae news
Ophthalmology news
Paediatrics news
Palliative care news
Pathology news
Pharmacy news
Physio and OT news
Public Health news
Radiology news
Respiratory news
Rheumatology news
surgery news
Trauma and Orthopaedic news
Urology and Nephrology news

The final report of Lord Darzi's NHS Next Stage Review

It responds to the 10 SHA strategic visions and sets out a vision for an NHS with quality at its heart. It ensures that health care will be personalised and fair, include the most effective treatments within a safe system, and help patients to stay healthy.

View here the DH site

View here a comprehensive summary produced by Newham NHS University Hospital Library Service

Monday 21 July 2008

Health information for families...

Great Ormond Street Hospital have a website of health information at

The site is split into info on children of different ages :

Info for Dads @

Here's a website of health information aimed at a particular section of the public : Dads!

The website includes health information about babies and children, new mums and dads. Indeed the site is broader than just health issues, covering a whole range of social and cultural ideas for bringing up kids, all from the male perspective.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Compare hospitals, and find patient opinion...

The Healthcare Commission have improved their Heart Surgery section. See

NHS Choices also allows the public to compare hospitals for a range of treatments. See

And finally, try Patient Opinion, where patients can make their own comments on the care they've received. See

Click Stockport PCTs or Stockport Foundation Trust's for comments .

Going abroad on holiday? Part 1

Have a look at TravelTurtle

This website tells you everything you need to know about health in the country you're going to.

Find the TravelTurtle here:

Going abroad on holiday? Part 2

HealthMap is ingenious.

Based on media stories from a range of sources, disease alerts are automatically placed on a map.

So it's useful for a global view of disease outbreaks.

But you can also zoom in to a particular country, or to limit the view to a particular disease.

So you could use it to track the latest news on outbreaks of C.diff and MRSA in the UK. It's easy to get through to the original news stories in just a couple of clicks.

Try out HealthMap here:

Map of Medicine Healthguides

The Map of Medicine is an online resource which started life at University College London and The Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in 2001. The Map provides clinicians with a graphical, easy-to-follow pathway for managing conditions. The Map starts from the beginning, from investigationg and diagnosis in primary care, but then reaches through into secondary care, giving a complete overview of a topic.

The Map has now spread out across England and Wales, and can be customised at Trust level to take into account local guidelines and pathways.

The Map isn't yet up and running in Stockport, but a range of the topics are publically available.

See the publically accessible Maps, here:

And read more about the Map of Medicine here:

New source for research results

The passing of a law in the US is going to have a massive impact on the way that clinical trial results are disseminated.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Amendments Act 2007 mandates the public disclosure of trial results on the website within a year of completion.

The law will have far reaching consequences as it applies to all trials 'if the products concerned need approval by the FDA.' That means it doesn't matter who sponsors the trial, or where it's conducted : if the product is on the radar of the FDA, which reglates medicines in the USA, the responsible parties risk a fine of $10,000 for non-compliance.

The law comes into effect in September 2008.

For more on the FDA Amendments Act, see:
Editorial in the BMJ Use your NHS Athens
Editorial in PLoS Medicine

For more on trial resgistration, see
Ottawa statement on trial registration

Thursday 10 July 2008

Teenage Pregnancy Maps

The East Midlands Public Health Observatory (EMPHO) has produced a series of interactive maps of teenage pregnancy rates of all local authorities in England.

You can see the maps online here:

You may need to download extra software to view the maps, but this is available on the above site.

The EMPHO is one of a series of Public Health Observatories which contain a wealth of useful information, inluding:
Health Profiles

Journals Survey

The Library would like to hear your views!

The Library is now considering which journals to purchase for 2009. Within our budget it's impossible to meet everybody’s requirements but we would like to hear from you which titles would be of most benefit to you and your colleagues.

Complete the journals survey to share your views.

The survey will close on August 8th.

Monday 7 July 2008

Schizophrenia Information

A new patient leaflet has been produced by the Royal College of Psychiatrists on Schizophrenia - key facts. Click here to view. Further information on schizophrenia and other mental health issues are to be found with links to the left of the leaflet

Wednesday 2 July 2008

July 2008

From James, a final beautiful photograph to see us through the summer