Tuesday 2 June 2009

Best Evidence Topics

Best BETs is an open access database which provides answers to very specific clinical problems, using the best evidence available. Best Evidence Topics (BETs) were originally developed for emergency medicine, but there are a growing number of BETs in cardiothoracics, nursing, primary care and paediatrics. Healthcare professionals are invited to write a BET of their own and publish it on the website. To access the databases, click here: http://www.bestbets.org/index.php

Monday 1 June 2009

JUNE 2009

The sun is setting over the newsletter as we know it...

Sunday 31 May 2009

Proteinuria and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate

The 2009 Annual Evidence Update on Proteinuria and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) has just been published by the team in the NHS Evidence - Kidney Diseases specialist collection. It provides an update on the evidence presented during last year's National Knowledge Week on Proteinuria and eGFR. The most useful papers on Basic Science, Clinical Aspects and Management have been selected by renal experts. You can read commentaries on the latest systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and the 2008 NICE guideline on Chronic Kidney Disease. Click on the link to access the evidence:

Smile! It's the Oral Health Evidence Update

NHS Evidence - Oral Health has published its Annual Evidence Update on Oral Health to coincide with National Smile Month. All aspects of oral health are covered in the update, within the areas of oral disorders and specialist dentistry.
This update will be complemented over the coming months by several specialised evidence updates focusing on particular aspects, including periodontology, special care dentistry and oral cancer.
The 2009 Oral Health Annual Evidence Update is available here:

Epilepsy Update

Topic Advisors at NHS Evidence - Neurological Conditions reviewed almost 800 articles in order to select the best evidence-based systematic reviews on the diagnosis, treatment and management of epilepsy for the 2009 Annual Evidence Update. Other information in the second update since 2007 includes guidelines, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading epilepsy experts from around the UK have appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. Click on the following link to view the resources and their accompanying expert commentaries: http://www.library.nhs.uk/NEUROLOGICAL/ViewResource.aspx?resID=313400

2009 Update on Skin Cancer

The second Annual Evidence Update on Skin Cancer has been prepared jointly by the NHS Evidence – cancer and NHS Evidence – skin disorders specialist collections. The update presents the results of a search for new guidance since May 2008, including systematic reviews and other literature on melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Various health professionals from the UK and abroad have contributed expert commentaries on new topics included in the update. There is also a list of uncertainties about treatment effects in skin cancer, which have been gathered from the systematic reviews. These knowledge gaps, where new research is needed, have been added to DUETS, the UK Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatment.
A wide range of patient information resources are also provided.

Friday 29 May 2009

Update on Cystic Fibrosis

The first Annual Evidence Update on Cystic Fibrosis (CF) has been published by NHS Evidence - Respiratory and NHS Evidence - Genetic Conditions. It presents an extensive list of systematic reviews and guidelines on CF published since 2005, along with expert commentaries and details of relevant associations. You can access the Update here: http://www.library.nhs.uk/RESPIRATORY/ViewResource.aspx?resID=311628&tabID=288&catID=5883

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Asthma

The NHS Evidence - Complementary and Alternative Medicine team has produced the 2009 Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Asthma. New additions include systematic reviews which have a main focus on asthma, and other reviews examining specific therapeutic approaches. The resources are accompanied by an expert commentary. In addition, a number of reviews have been selected as relevant educational material. The Update can be viewed here: http://www.library.nhs.uk/cam/ViewResource.aspx?resID=313286&tabID=289

Thursday 28 May 2009

Some useful websites

Orphanet is a database of rare diseases. It contains information about more than 5000 conditions. You can search for research and trials being undertaken across Europe, as well as details of clinics and patient organisations. Click here to view the portal: http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/index.php

Martindale’s Health Science Guide is useful for multimedia resources, and has a wide variety of images and video clips in many medical specialties. http://www.martindalecenter.com/HSGuide.html

OTIS: The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists is a not-for-profit association based in North America and it provides evidence-based clinical information about exposure to any type of drug, disease, etc., during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Its website includes details of ongoing and completed research, as well as patient-friendly factsheets. View it here: http://www.otispregnancy.org/hm/

The Drugs and Lactation database (LactMed) is an American peer-reviewed database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It is supported by the US National Library of Medicine. Topics include the possible effects of each drug on mothers and infants, as well as alternative medication, and are fully referenced. It is freely accessible here: http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?LACT

Wednesday 27 May 2009

BMJ Best Treatments

The Guardian has teamed up with the British Medical Journal Group to provide access to Best Treatments: a source of independent, high quality patient information on a wide range of health topics. For patient-friendly information about the causes and symptoms of a medical condition, and the top treatment options, click on http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/besttreatments

Monday 25 May 2009

Neurological Conditions

'NHS Evidence - neurological conditions' has recently published its May 2009 Update.

New additions include guidelines from the Intensive Care Society and NICE, a number of Cochrane Reviews and various neurology-related patient information video clips produced by NHS Choices.

Editors' Picks include a report from the Stroke Association and a review on the treatment of non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.

To view the latest evidence in this area, click here: http://tinyurl.com/d65zfe

Annual Evidence Update on Rhinitis

The 2009 Annual Evidence Update for Rhinitis has now been published and it presents quality research evidence from the past 12 months on key rhinitis topics, along with ongoing therapeutic uncertainties. The contents include recently published guidelines, clinical tools, statistics, systematic reviews, clinical trials and diagnositic studies, as well as links to evaluated patient information websites.

The update pages are available at http://tinyurl.com/qstqr8 and would be useful for healthcare professionals working in ENT, respiratory and primary care.

Friday 8 May 2009

MAY 2009

"April showers bring forth May flowers..."
1670 J. Ray English Proverbs 41

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Update on Rheumatoid Arthritis

The former Musculoskeletal Specialist Library (now called NHS Evidence - Musculoskeletal) has just produced its third Annual Evidence Update on Rheumatoid Arthritis. This focuses on guidance and systematic reviews published since March 2008. The majority of publications relate to various aspects of treatment with biologics, but other aspects of rheumatoid disease management are featured in the update as well. Also included are the results of a search for new national guidance, and a commentary discussing the latest evidence. This update is the first to include a section on treatment uncertainties and also horizon scanning - evidence which will be published on rheumatoid arthritis in the future.

To see the update, click on the link http://www.library.nhs.uk/musculoskeletal/ and scroll down the page.

Supporting people in later life

The 2009 Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on Supporting People in Later Life has been brought to you by the Later Life Specialist Library. It focuses on the specific challenges of independent living that are often faced by people in later life. This AEU brings together secondary research in the form of systematic reviews, guidelines and important policy documents. Topics covered in the update include diet and exercise, independent living, acute care, primary care, residential care and carer support. The resources are aimed at helping health professionals to support those who are experiencing challenges with independent living because of serious health issues.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention

The Public Health Specialist Library has just produced its second Annual Evidence Update on Obesity, focusing on the surveillance and prevention of childhood obesity.

There has been a considerable amount of new evidence published on the prevention of childhood obesity, particularly in terms of diet, physical activity and protection due to breast feeding. The National Obesity Observatory has reviewed the evidence and produced summaries which highlight the implications for current schemes such as the National Childhood Measurement Programme.

Included in this update are toolkits, guidance and an expert editorial. You can view it here: http://www.library.nhs.uk/publichealth/viewResource.aspx?resid=311366

Acupuncture : Annual Evidence Update

The Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Specialist Library has recently published its 2009 Annual Evidence Update on Acupuncture. The Update brings together relevant systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials published between February 2008 and February 2009.

Strict selection criteria was applied in order to identify the best current evidence available. The studies included in the update have not been fully appraised, but a link is provided to an appraisal where one exists. There is also a link to a list of appraisal tools, if you wish to appraise the studies yourself.

The contents list of the update on acupuncture is available here: http://www.library.nhs.uk/cam/ViewResource.aspx?resID=311356&tabID=289

Friday 17 April 2009

Schizophrenia Annual Evidence Update 2009

This week, the 2009 Update on Schizophrenia has been published by the team in the Mental Health Specialist Library. The Update contains the best evidence to have been published on schizophrenia since January 2008. From epidemiology and risk factors to diagnosis and treatment, it draws together evidence summaries, care pathways, important primary research and service development literature.

The contents of the Update can be viewed here: http://www.library.nhs.uk/MENTALHEALTH/ViewResource.aspx?resID=310224&tabID=289

Annual Evidence Update on Cardiac Rehabilitation

The Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on Cardiac Rehabilitation is out now!

Published by the Cardiovascular Diseases Specialist Library, its aim is to inform healthcare professionals and patients of the significant advances made in the knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation since the first AEU in June 2008.

Along with systematic reviews, meta-analyses and other resources, the AEU has an expert commentary and a 'What's New' analysis, discussing new evidence and its implications for practice.

2009 Annual Evidence Update on Colorectal Cancer

The Cancer Specialist Library has recently published its second Annual Evidence Update on Colorectal Cancer, to coincide with Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. The topic areas covered this year are:
  • causes, risks and prevention
  • screening

  • assessment and diagnosis

  • treatment and disease management

  • service delivery and standards

Resources include news items, guidelines, systematic reviews, clinical trials, statistics and patient information. There is also an expert commentary. To see all the resources available, click here:

Wednesday 1 April 2009

APRIL 2009

We thought James's photo of shredded paper was highly appropriate for the end of the financial year. Happy New Year, everyone! :-)

Tuesday 31 March 2009

National Library for Public Health e-newsletter

Are you interested in any of the following areas?

accidents & injuries, cancer, cardiovascular disease, children & young people, communicable diseases, commissioning, dental health, diet & nutrition, health inequalities, mental health, obesity, offender & prison health, older people, physical activity, sexual health, substance misuse and women's health

If so, the National Library for Public Health is for you! The library has been developed to provide high quality evidence e-based information on all aspects of public health. It is designed for those working in the field of public health by providing a single source of access to web based evidence on public health.

The March edition of the Library's newsletter has published new resources on all these topics, so click on the following link to find out what's new in public health: http://tinyurl.com/57u6uc

Kidney Diseases Newsletter

The Kidney Diseases Specialist Library is for busy health professionals, providing them with high quality information and keeping them up to date with the latest research in this area.

The March 2009 Kidney Diseases Specialist Library Newsletter is out now and includes guidance such as 'Primary Care Service Framework: Vascular Checks', podcasts from presentations at the National Kidney Federation's Annual Patients' Conference and patient information on avoiding kidney disease.

You can access all the information here: http://tinyurl.com/ab5ne3

Neurological Conditions March 2009 Update

The latest bulletin from the Neurological Conditions Specialist Library (NCSL) aims to update you on interesting items recently added to the library by the Clinical Lead and Topic Advisors.

The NCSL March 2009 Update includes documents associated with the National Dementia Strategy and the National Stroke Strategy, guidelines from NICE, BOAST and the British Pain Society, and also e-learning modules on dementia, epilepsy, stroke and Parkinson's disease.

To improve your awareness of current issues as well as the latest research and developments in neurological conditions, click here: http://tinyurl.com/45gfkt

2009 Update on Hearing Disorders

The Annual Evidence Update on Hearing Disorders is now available. It has been published by the ENT and Audiology Specialist Library with the aim of presenting relevant research evidence from the past 12 months and therapeutic uncertainties where research gaps exist.

Health professionals working in audiology, ENT and related services, as well as primary care staff who would like to learn more about hearing disorders, will find this update useful. Topics include hearing aids, cochlear implants, tinnitus and newborn screening. There is also signposting to patient information and support.

Friday 27 March 2009

Annual Evidence Update on Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The NLH Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Specialist Library project team has carried out a systematic search on Inflammatory Bowel Disease to identify all high level evidence published in the past year; namely guidelines, systematic reviews, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician.

A list of the most useful papers, along with commentary from the experts, is available on the site at http://www.library.nhs.uk/gastroliver/viewResource.aspx?resID=309257. This year, the team has also begun to identify uncertainties in research to contribute to the DUETs project. (See www.library.nhs.uk/duets for more details).

Wednesday 11 March 2009

North West Healthcare Science Network - new website!

March 6th-15th is Healthcare Science Awareness Week and the North West Healthcare Science Network has launched its new website.

Over the coming weeks, a host of features will become available for healthcare scientists who are working throughout the NHS in the North West. These will include a clinical leadership programme, a North West ambassador scheme and a newsletter. There will also be a new portfolio for Continuing Professional Development.

A useful online resource to keep healthcare scientists updated with local, regional and national developments and events.

To see what the Network has to offer, click here: http://www.nwhcs.nhs.uk/

Tuesday 3 March 2009

MARCH 2009

Hello everyone!
We haven't got any photos of March hares for you, I'm afraid, so here's a scene from the city instead, just for a change...

Sunday 1 March 2009

Horizon Scanning: a guide to best practice

Horizon Scanning is a new initiative by the North West Primary Care Librarians to gather together information on best practice, innovations and future risks, to support the commissioning process and service re-design. You can subscribe to receive an e-mail newsletter of each new update when it is published. Here are the links to the topics that have been published so far:

DIABETES TYPE 2: http://diabetestype2nwpctl.wordpress.com
STROKE: http://strokenwpctl.wordpress.com
OBESITY: http://obesitynwpctl.wordpress.com/
IMMUNISATION: http://immunisationnwpctl.wordpress.com/
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: http://cardionwpctl.wordpress.com
COMMUNITY DIAGNOSTICS: http://communitydiagnosticsnwpctl.wordpress.com
BREASTFEEDING: http://breastfeedingnwpctl.wordpress.com
DENTAL HEALTH: http://dentalnwpctl.wordpress.com
URGENT CARE: http://urgentcarenwpctl.wordpress.com/
SUSTAINABILITY: http://sustainabilitynwpctl.wordpress.com/

Other updates will shortly become available on topics such as COPD, Cancer, Substance abuse, Sexual health, Emotional health and well-being, End of life care and Patient experience.

Skin Disease Finder

VisualDxHealth has produced the website Skin Disease Finder, which provides medical images of common conditions affecting various parts of the body. Skin diseases are categorised by age group and gender, and are described in terms of risk factors, treatments and recommendations for self-care. Useful, both for clinician decision-making, as well as for patient information.

Try it out by clicking on this link: http://www.visualdxhealth.com/myDiseaseFinder.htm