Tuesday 31 March 2009

National Library for Public Health e-newsletter

Are you interested in any of the following areas?

accidents & injuries, cancer, cardiovascular disease, children & young people, communicable diseases, commissioning, dental health, diet & nutrition, health inequalities, mental health, obesity, offender & prison health, older people, physical activity, sexual health, substance misuse and women's health

If so, the National Library for Public Health is for you! The library has been developed to provide high quality evidence e-based information on all aspects of public health. It is designed for those working in the field of public health by providing a single source of access to web based evidence on public health.

The March edition of the Library's newsletter has published new resources on all these topics, so click on the following link to find out what's new in public health: http://tinyurl.com/57u6uc

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