Tuesday 27 May 2008

NHS North West Healthier Horizons

NHS North West have published a major review of the direction to be taken by the NHS in the region...

"Healthier Horizons for the North West marks the culmination of a wide ranging clinical review of health services across the region. The review has not only been informed by our clinicians and NHS staff but also by the views of our partners, patients and members of the public across the region, all who have played an important role in shaping this vision.

We are proud of the considerable progress that has been made in the North West towards a healthier future for residents of the region. We must now target the unacceptable health inequalities which result in many people living in poor general health and with shorter life expectancies than those in other areas of the country. We must shift the focus much more towards the promotion of health and the prevention of illness.

Healthier Horizons for the North West outlines how we are proposing to tackle this."

See http://www.northwest.nhs.uk/healthierhorizons/ for the full report

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